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Let’s break the stereotypes!

You know what they say when you assume 🤷🏻‍♀️

You make an a$$ out of you and me 🙄

Remember to always be kind.

never judge a book by its cover 📖

Never assume or judge

Because you really just never know.


You never know what someone has been through.

So remember to 🐝 bee kind.

.. and if you are making assumptions about other people, it’s usually a good time to reflect on yourself and see what it is within you that allowed you to “a$$ume” 😉


Let’s change the #stereotypes and the passive demeaning language 📣

💪🏽 yes, you can be both hot and smart

💪🏽 yes, you can be highly educated and teach yoga

💪🏽yes, you can be sexy and valedictorian

💪🏽yes, you can be a good wife and not need any of your husband for finances

💪🏽 yes, you can be a medical professional and believe in alternative healing methods

💪🏽yes, you can buy a home and open your own business all on your own.

💪🏽 yes, we can do anything … even expand your mind 🤯 hehe..

… and saying things like this 👇🏻 is NOT OKAY!!

“You’re a smart little one”


“Thats cute that you get to teach yoga but I have to work.”


“Must be nice to teach yoga and at least you don’t have college loans”

Ignorance is not bliss 🙏🏼❤️




Watch out 😉 hehe









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